
in a bathroom

Into the mirror she spoke through thin rouged lips and a veil of shower steam:

"Intermingling with the stars at night was my pale disposition and a worse affliction for I was in love with someone who did not love me. All the while I'm sitting and waiting wondering why this has to be the very core of my being now, after all this time. All this time spent wondering if I will ever feel anything more than just plain sad, now it is just plain bittersweet hurt and disgust for myself, and this disposition. My outlook has tarnished and my ashes are piling, stories high up and up they go into a sky I am unsure of. Into a sky I do not trust and do not know. Uncertainty you unduly rule me now and forever sore.

Oh, this crummy view. This yellow and rotted place how you own me. You own me into the day following night and over and over again. You rule me into the pits of disdain. You rule me into the false hope of certain happiness, of certain pleasure away from pain."