
water in the room

"You had to go looking through my things, didn't you!"

There she was, the awful bitch.. screaming at me again.

That was all she ever did, was scream at me. With yellow teeth through red lipstick. Her fluffed chocolate brown bangs and puffball brown ponytail bouncing up and down in her red bathing suit, pink flip flops on squishing water out onto the gold shag carpeting while I was cornered uncomfortably in the room we shared. She just kept screaming at me, and there I was, desperately clutching onto a half naked barbie doll with half of its hair pulled out and one shoe on. My sister got done screaming at me and it was almost like I was in another world while it happened, like I was underwater and couldn't feel or hear a thing. I guess that is what happens after you just get used to the same old thing after awhile, you learn to go under the water.. even when you are on land. The room just filled up with imaginary tears but really all that is happening is your eyes are glazing over and you go into a trance. Now the room is very quiet and my sister is apologizing like she usually does, and reaches into her dresser for an ashtray and a pack of red Marlboro cigarettes. She lights one up and exhales a long rope of smoke and luxuriously lays back, like she is some kind of movie star or something, and lets out a moan likes she has just done something really, very satisfying.. and I am rising slowly now to surface of a very salty sea..