
detroit soapbox. 5-12-12.

Ah so on the verge we are here, yet what homage we pay to a past that so abused us.

So and so..

That old so and SO! So and so, you say? Who is so and so? So and so is INDUSTRY! So and so rose up from a hard clay earth of difficulty and little fruit to bare and sought solace within the minds of an innovative people who were quick to learn, and took them, post haste.. deep.. into the bowels of injustice.

Bodies big, bodies small, bodies young, bodies old, bodies black, bodies freckled, bodies pale, bodies yellow, bodies red, bodies distorted, bodies disfigured, bodies beautiful, bodies clothed, bodies naked, bodies healthy, bodies sick, bodies young, bodies old, bodies alive... bodies dead... all that came... are all that went, but not all that come back, are not all who were taken, into the stomach, digested and eaten, by industry starving, for a new cog...

in a machine head. cold and invasive, distant and hurtful, cutthroat and barren, ruthless and baiting..

baiting a people who are eager,
eager and waiting;

for opportunity and knowledge;
knowledge for wisdom.

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